Friday, August 6, 2010

Summer 2010

Here are some of the highlights of our summer....which is quickly winding down!

Palisades Lake with the Topham family where we spent most of our time at the lake. It is such an awesome place. I want to go back next year!
Playing at the park in Manti with cousins....all these girls will be in Kindergarten this year. I wish we lived closer so they could all go together!! her the lake by Aunt Allisons house in Berthoud, Colorado
We went to Colorado to visit Aunt Allison and Great Grandma Dangerfield with Grandma Diane, Leslie and her kids, and Connor and Grace.
Riding Dallas at Aunt Allison's house

Getting ready for the 4th of July parade in Tooele with her gymnastics class. She has been taking Gymnastics since May and absolutely loves it....especially when she found out she gets to be in a parade!
Tooele Gymnastics Academy float. you can barely see her but she is the third one over from the right on the front row. She was really into throwing candy so I had a hard time getting her attention! After the Parade, we went to the park in Tooele to hang out and then we went over to a BBQ at our friends house followed by fireworks. It was a lot of fun.
McKenzie and I joined Grandma, Grandpa, Tami, Mere, Les, Janece and the cousins at the 24th of July Parade in Salt Lake. We went down at about 5pm on the 23rd to help Mom save her spot. I wasn't sure if McKenzie would fall asleep next to a very busy, noisy street, but she did great. She loved the parade and watched it way better than I ever did when I was a kid. I was always too hot and tired to enjoy it much after sleeping over. She said she wants to go next year but she is going to try to get more sleep next time. After the parade we went back to my Mom's house for lunch and then went to cool off in her pool at the Cottonwood was soooo nice! After swimming, it was time for dinner and then the Days of '47 Rodeo, which she loved. We had a very busy day and were totally exhausted by the time it was over, but we had a great time!