The weather is finally nice enough (again) to lay in the hammock in the evening! Now that it is warming up McKenzie likes to spend time outside playing in her sandbox or driving her pink Barbie Jeep. She also likes to throw the ball to Conan and then get mad at him when he looks at her like are you crazy, I'm not getting up just to get that ball! She loves her puppy, but he is a little clumsy and I don't think he knows really how big he is an often knocks her down. She usually gets mad and calls him a naughty puppy and then five minutes later she is chasing him down again so she can pet him!
We are all doing better since the last time I posted. Most of you know by now that I had a miscarraige (I was 10 weeks along) a few weeks ago. We were all a big mess for a few days, but we are okay now. Thanks to everyone for all your love and support (that sounds kind of cheesy!) but really, we have the best friends and family ever. It has really helped to have McKenzie around to focus on, she has gotten pretty spoiled the last few weeks. Bodie and I felt so bad that she was so scared because of how upset I was and how "sick" I was that anything she has wanted has been hers. We are trying very hard to get her over that now! I guess we kind of shot ourselves in the foot when we started doing that, but it made us so happy to see her happy. She is a great kid. Yesterday was memorial day and Bodie got most of the day off, so I asked Mckenzie what she wanted to do and she told me she wanted to go shopping. Then today she asked me if I wanted to play "money buying stuff". She told me that the way you play is that you pretend you are going to the store and buying everything. Yeah, I think we're in trouble!
I went to Lily's preschool graduation last week with camcorder in hand so grandma could see it when she gets home from China. Lily did so good. I am so proud of her. McKenzie watches the video everyday and tries to sing all the songs with them. She is getting excited for her birthday coming up in June, but is a little frustrated that she is only going to be 3 because she really wants to be 5!
Anyway, there is our little update. Not much going on (anymore), but that is a good thing, I think! Again thanks to everyone. We love you all so much!

McKenzie and her friend Blake...all he wanted to do was be spiderman, but she made him be her prince!